Tea Time at the Dentist


Tea lovers, did you know that incorporating tea into your oral health routine can be beneficial? Tea contains polyphenols, which have been shown to have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. When it comes to oral health, green, black and oolong tea and their extracts have been found to reduce the risk of periodontal disease and halt the progression of cavities. They also reduce bad breath and help treat fungal infections in the mouth as well as reduce the risk of oral cancer.

While drinking tea can be a great way to enjoy the benefits of these compounds, there are other ways to incorporate tea into your oral health routine. One option is to use mouthwash with tea extracts. This can be a convenient way to enjoy some of the health benefits of tea without having to brew a cup. There are several options available to buy on the market, or you can easily make your own at home.

If you do prefer to drink tea, be mindful of what you add to it. Sugar and milk can counteract some of the benefits, so stick to plain, unsweetened tea for best results. You can also experiment with different types and flavors of tea to find your favorites. Be aware that too much tea can also have a negative impact, more stain on the teeth, insomnia, anxiety, irritability, nausea, headaches, stomach upset and tremors. Pregnant and breastfeeding women, individuals with heart conditions, stomach ulcers, kidney or liver problems and anxiety disorders should limit their tea consumption to two cups a day due to the caffeine.

Incorporating tea into your daily routine doesn't have to be difficult. Try swapping your usual sugary drinks for a cup of green tea in the morning or afternoon. Or use a mouthwash with tea extracts after brushing and flossing to give your oral health an extra boost. Whether you choose to drink it or use a mouthwash adding tea to your routine can have several benefits.